Tips you should take before buying used machinery
If you want to acquire used machinery is essential to avoid falling into scams or buy equipment in poor condition. If you want to bid for used machinery, minimize the risks by reading the following points. 1.- Reputation of the company that sells used machinery. The reputation is the first filter before bidding for a […]
The new and improved midi excavator Kobelco
Kobelco introduced its 7th generation SK135SR excavator model in the midi types with 14,500 kg operating weight. This equipment presents many technological improvements offering from lower consumption of fuel to a smaller amount of time in the excavation cycle compared to vehicles of past series. The specific advantages of the equipment are: -Engine power increased […]
The Komatsu bulldozers D51EXi-24 and D51PXi-24.
Komatsu, one of the most important world leaders in the manufacture of machinery, presented the D51PXi-24 and D51EXi-24 bulldozers at the last CONEXPO-CON / AGG 2020 construction fair. Both models have state-of-the-art technology that broadly improves the efficiency of the machine, performs tasks with less fuel consumption, performs precise finishes, and upgrades the operator experience. […]
Protocol for safe return to the construction sites
The construction industry in Mexico is into essential activities according to the AGREEMENT establishing the Specific Technical Guidelines for the Reopening of Economic Activities (DOF 05/19/2020) published on May 15, 2020. What is the goal of the safe return to construction site protocol? Following the recommendations established by the WHO in conjunction with the guidelines […]
Levels of autonomy in machinery
Technological advances in machinery allow more perform precise tasks due to the assistance to the operator through software and hardware implemented in the equipment. The current development of heavy and light equipment has as the main objective to minimize human errors that occur in downtime for this, the advanced technologies are pushing to reach the […]
How to properly select an excavator – guide
Whether you intend to acquire a used or completely new machine, is convenient to analyze each of the specifications or variants that excavator manufacturers provide to make a correct choice of equipment, this will guarantee vehicles with high performance, and that comply with the requirements for your projects. 1.-Define the purpose of your excavator. If […]
Contamination of the hydraulic system in heavy equipment
The contamination of the hydraulic system of the machinery significantly reduces the efficiency of equipment in values higher than 20%. This value extrapolated to one year of working hours would be equivalent to 73 days lost. The contamination process occurs when particles with sizes between 5 and 10 micrometers enter the hydraulic system circulating or […]
CAT SIS a software for machinery owners
Owners of Caterpillar machinery sometimes require information related to their vehicles either for diagnosing their machinery, maintenance, as well as parts of it. To help “CAT” developed its SIS system, a program that collects the information of the brand equivalent to more than 1.5 million parts, 25,000 books, and 44,000 parts catalogs. Features -Interactive diagrams. […]
6 tips for you first buy of machinery
If you’re about to enter the machinery market regardless of the field in which you operate or if the equipment you want to acquire is new or used, consider the following six points that will guide you to make your first purchase of equipment, and reducing the risk of a negative outcome. 1.-Define the type […]
Two tips for machinery sellers
The success in renting or selling depends on the experience of your sales staff, also to their knowledge about your entire inventory, their specifications, correct management with clients, and prospects. Consider the following points and tips to increase your chances of selling: 1.- Knowing the specifications of the equipment you sell. Before purchase, a large […]
Pre-operational inspections of a used front-loader
The general inspections of a pre-purchase front-end loader guarantee the vehicle’s functionality and allow the identification of possible failures that result in high repair costs for the owner, which turns into a powerful machine-selective tool when there’re multiple models to choose from. 1.- Axle assembly Every wheel loader has an axle assembly or midpoint where […]
Preventive measures for machinery theft
The theft of vehicles, parts, fuel, and tools affects up to 83% of machinery owners according to the figures published by “Cygnus Business media” in 2014. The main reasons for theft are: -The high cost of acquiring vehicles or parts at resale. -Lack of surveillance in warehouses or work sites. -Relatively low […]
New John Deere excavators
During the celebration of the largest construction fair in America, CONEXPO-CON / AGG multiple equipment manufacturers from all over the world exhibited their new equipment and technologies. Caterpillar launches its technological innovations implemented in successor backhoe loaders of the popular F2 series, while John Deere provided a range of stronger and more productive excavators compared […]
7 tips to get more incomes when selling machinery
Owners of used machinery seek to obtain the highest return on their income from their equipment sales. But some factors negatively change the final price of the machine. That’s why you should pay attention to the following points related to your heavy-equipment, and the market, to get better benefits when you sell. 1.- Exterior […]
Fuel consumption per hour for machinery
The fuel consumption per hour for the heavy or light machinery that makes up a fleet is a highly relevant piece of information when estimating operating costs. To estimate consumption per hour, the specific consumption must be assumed according to the operating condition, type of engine, define the load factor and apply the nominal power […]