Engine failures from fuel contamination with water

Engine failures from fuel contamination with water

Water contamination is a natural enemy for diesel engines commonly used in machinery as they generally reduce equipment profitability and maximize engine and component failure.

The warning signs for contamination by water in the diesel engine that you can identify in your equipment will be:

-Presence of impurities in the fuel tank. The “mud” is a by-product of the degradation of hydrocarbons produced by bacterial colonies.

-The injectors and other elements show corrosion, as well as rust formation.

-Premature corrosion of parts and components of the fuel system due to the presence of acid compounds.

-Excessive smoke production.

-Loss of power in the engine and reduction of the revolutions per minute.

-Clogged filters or with layers of viscosity.

-Presence of cloudy or dirty fuel in the tank.

-Abnormal sounds coming from the engine, as well as unpleasant smells.

Broadly speaking, the contamination of diesel with water will produce a chain reaction of continuous failures that are summarized in the following:

1.- The fuel contaminated with water is sent through the injectors.

2.- The fuel valves begin their transition to fast deterioration.

3.- The volume and pressure of the fuel are reduced in the injectors.

4.- The engine control unit increases the amount of fuel injected to cushion the deficiency in volume and pressure.

5.-The level of fuel atomization is reduced, which can generate incomplete combustion.

6.- A considerable increase in polluting emissions and soot is generated inside the cylinders.

7.-The machine begins to lose power when operating, which turns into lower efficiency, increased operating costs due to excessive fuel consumption, etc.

8.-More wear and failures in the injectors.

9.- The engine shows signs of damage such as abnormal sounds and deterioration.

10.- The fuel injection system fails.

Other failures caused to elements of the engine and the machine, in general, can include:

-Corrosion in engine elements due to favoring the formation of acidic compounds.

– Sudden changes in temperature occur that could affect the useful life of the motor.

-It decreases the inherent lubricity of diesel, thus accelerating the wear of engine elements due to friction.

-Reduction of the useful life of the engine due to sudden temperature variations. To avoid catastrophic scenarios, follow the recommendations to avoid contamination of diesel with water contained in your manual.