Pros and cons of an excavator with tires

Pros and cons of an excavator with tires

Excavators on tires have a significant acceptance in the European and Asian market, especially when working in urbanized areas whose works require digging power and proper handling of surface damage.

In the Latin American machinery market, excavators on tires are gaining popularity in landscaping work and even in conventional jobs due to the operating, maintenance, and relocation benefits.

In addition to these benefits, there’re several pros and cons that a configuration of this type can give you when compared to a tracked vehicle, listed below:


-They contain a dozer blade at the front of the equipment for field cleaning tasks. At the same time, this attachment can be an aid in stabilization during excavation processes.

-Lower operating costs due to lower fuel consumption

-Reduced damage to the surface on which it moves.

-Higher level of lateral elevation thanks to the dimensions of stabilizers.

-Maintains the same digging performance but adds versatility and maneuverability.

-Can use monobloc and two-piece boom configurations to improve equipment reach, providing greater versatility.

-Higher speed of the vehicle able to be mobilized long distances without using a trailer.

-Ideal for landscaping works due to easy mobility and minimal damage caused by the vehicle’s footprint on the ground surface.

-Repair and maintenance costs in undercarriage decreased, the configuration is very familiar among technicians helping their work.

-Less noise.


-They tend to be more expensive compared to their tracked counterpart.

-Digging depth is less due to the height of the tires.

-Lower traction due to the low contact surface of the tires with the ground.

-Less maneuverability on uneven soils, depending on the position and technology of the stabilizers.

-Higher probability of stuck in soft soils

-High cost for maintenance and repair, usually for flat tires

-Poor maneuverability when facing abrasive environments.